
Jinxi Chemical Machinery Group Co. Ltd  welcome  you !

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Main Product Agitating Equipment


                                      Main Product  Agitating  Equipment

        The company to which the China National Chemical Equipment Corporation mixing equipment technology development center is affiliated, has taken several major national scientific and technological projects. The 48m3 PVC paste resin polymerization reactor developed by the company won the National Science and Technology Progress Award and gets a national patent; the 48m3, 70m3, 110m3 PVC polymerization reactors have won national patents; new 30m3 polymerization reactor won Liaoning Province Outstanding New Product Award ; 90m3 high density polyethylene reactor won national "Eighth Five" major scientific and technological achievement award, 135 m3 PVC polymerization reactor won China petrochemical Group Technology Progress Award.

        To further meet customers demand, the company has developed a 138m3 large PVC polymerization reactor. The product is a major national research project, which has filled the domestic gaps in the products and reached international advanced level.

    previous item: 135m 3PVC 聚合釜